Hi there!
Just popping in to share a scrapbook page with you. I am currently on creative inspiration overload!!!! You'll understand why in just a little bit.
Do you ever have that overwhelming sense that there are so many things you want to get stuck into, but can't just at the moment? That's where I am living right now. In process: with some major changes happening at our house, some good, some a little more challenging. I promise that when the dust settles it will all be good, but in the interim it can get a little uncomfortable. I have so many wonderful things swirling in my head, and ideas I want to tackle with paper and ink, but just now is not the right time.
Recently, I was introduced to A Sweethaven Summer, which judging by the front cover is a book I must read! Do you ever do that, judge a book by the picture on the cover?! Usually my inkling is right, and the inside matches the initial lure of the cover. In this case, I am waiting for my copy to arrive from the author herself, Courtney Walsh. I won it on a blog (thanks Jen) and she is graciously sending me my very own copy. I can't wait to get my hands on it!!!
Until then, I have decided to join her Scrapbook Challenge and this is my page inspired by A Sweethaven Summer. I designed my page based on the front cover of the book, which takes me back to so many good memories of days at the beach when I was younger.

(Click on the photo to see the full image)
The background paper is Pool Party, appropriate right, for a beachy looking page!
The journaling reads: Life isn't always predictable, nor does it "go to plan" for everybody. But you, my FRIEND, are one of God's BEST surprise gifts to me!! Love you.
Life is all about making memories, with people who are special to you, and then documenting those memories to treasure and share the stories with future generations. These photos represent three families who have connected in unexpected ways and made incredible memories in the process. Not only will my friend Rhonda and I treasure these memories, but so will my daughter and her grand-daughter, for many years to come. I LOVE scrapbooking for this very reason! Now if I could just get a few more stories down on paper!!!!!!
Maybe you are inspired to get scrapping today!
Enjoy your Spring day!