I don't know about you, but I really don't get excited about all the shopping hype this time of year. Unless I can do it from the comfort of my sofa, with a hot cup of tea and no crowds!!! Stampin' Up! is providing just that perfect opportunity!! Check out the details here*, but be quick, some items are 24 hour sale only.
*Click Shop Online to check out the sale.
The Online Extravaganza, our annual sale to kick off the holiday shopping season, begins Monday, November 21, 2011, and continues through Wednesday, November 30, 2011.
Savings include...FREE digital downloads valued at $40 when you buy My Digital Sudio Express, 60 percent off select Designer Fabrics, and 30 percent off an exclusive ribbon bundle!
And...there will be two items on sale for 24 hours only (November 21, 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM [MT]) - so make sure you don't miss the first 24 hours of the Online Extravaganza!
These deals are available online and with customer and workshop orders. To see them all and take advantage of the savings...
Log in on Monday, November 21, to my Online Store, look around, find out what the two special items are and then place your Holiday Online Extravaganza order!
Note: When you place your qualifying order on my Demonstrator Business Website you will be eligible for all the usual hostess benefits.
Happy Shopping!